How often should I bathe my dog?
Bathing your dog is a nice way to bond with them and keep their fur clean. However, most dogs don’t need baths as often because they have short coats that dry quickly without problems from oil or dirt build-up on the skin Bathes can be more for pet parents than anything else since even an average sized pup will only weigh about 20 pounds after being wet so bathing isn’t going make any difference in terms of how much water comes off during those sessions! In addition most breeds do not produce excessive amounts od Talcum Power which means frequent trips back into our house just aren’t necessar Dogs need to be bathed every 2-4 weeks Dogs need to be bathed every 2-4 weeks in order to keep them clean, healthy and smelling fresh. Bathing your dog is an easy process that should take less than 30 minutes total. After … Read more